Business vs Brand

Are you a Business or a Brand……..

I believe you start out as business and evolve into the  ‘BRAND’ you want to  be………..

Many people who start their own business want to be brand straight away this takes time, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Knowing your vision of the brand you want to become will help you create your strategic vision. Everything you do should be steps forwards to your vision of becoming a brand . These can and absolutely should be smart steps allowing you to grow and be sustainable.

Do not be fooled into thinking your business will become a brand success overnight, my advice is to start small as all the best businesses do. Keep it simple if your business is to sell clothes, sell them and don’t worry about your brand image because up to now your business doesn’t have one. By brand image I mean don’t think you’re too good to sell at markets, pop up locations and even car boots. High retail standards and good customer service costs nothing, this will set you apart and allow your business to grow.

Once you have regular income I would invest money back into your business this is where setting your foundations are key. Are your fundamentals right?  At this point I would most definitely populate A business plan for the next 1, 2 and 3 years.


photo source: Yvonne Eijikenduiju

This is a  business plan of how you will grow your business to achieve your strategic vision. I believe that after 3 years of trading you’re heading in the right direction, at this point you will know your market and what has worked well and what hasn’t. If you have gotten to this point thats huge success in itself… Be sure to celebrate!

Building a business takes time, I believe you need to earn your status as a brand but once you have achieved the world is your oyster.